F L Y 2 O V E R S E A S

Services Overview


The main objective of Fly2overseas consultancy services is to facilitate and streamline the entire study abroad experience for students. They provide comprehensive support and advice on various aspects of studying abroad, including selecting suitable universities or colleges, choosing appropriate courses, understanding admission requirements, assisting with application and visa processes, and helping with accommodation and travel arrangements.

Our consultancy services typically have a team of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about international education systems, university admission processes, visa regulations, and cultural aspects of different countries. They stay up to date with the latest information about universities and programs, ensuring that students receive accurate and relevant guidance.

They provide information about different study destinations, including the educational institutions available, academic programs offered, tuition fees, scholarship opportunities, and living costs. They may also offer language proficiency test preparation, interview coaching, and assistance with document preparation.

Our Services

"The biggest adventure you can take
is to live the life of your dreams."


Study Abroad Counselling

Our experienced counsellors helps students identify a program that perfectly matches both their educational and financial background.


Course Advice

Our comprehensive scholarship assistance includes appraising eligibility criteria to guide applicants in the right manner.


Application Processing

We offer Guidance throughout the entire admission process to ensure a complete, error-free application.


Visa Application Assistance

Our trained and experienced team of counsellors help students identify a course and university that perfectly match..

"Study abroad is not just about learning in a classroom;
it's about immersing yourself in a new culture and gaining a global perspective."

7 Easy Steps
to Land in your Dream University


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