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Study Abroad Counselling

Comprehensive Counselling

Our certified counsellors, are experts in professionally guiding students to make their choice of course and country of study. They assist the students by providing authentic information, by making the different options available to them and by helping them choose the right course.

The career guidance service at Fly2overseas offers you unbiased information about various courses, universities, and other procedures. Our free online/offline career consultation service comprises of various courses, authentic university recommendations, suggesting carrier-oriented courses depending on your profile.

Our counselling sessions will immensely benefit you in making the best academic decision suiting your career choices.

We have an array of certified and experienced counsellors who are always available to provide the best career counselling for students. Our career counselling experts guide them to choose the right courses and country for higher studies.

Overseas Electronic Transactions

When it comes to paying the tuition fees to an overseas institution or transferring funds for living expenses, there are a lot of things to keep in mind, like the currency exchange rate, bank charges, remittance process etc.

Global Reach Travel Desk

We also assist students in arranging airline tickets and foreign exchange through our partner network and students can compare rates and options and choose the best that suits them as per convenience and budget.

Airport Pick up

All institutions represented by us have the airport pick up facility for which students need to reach out to their counselor for arranging the same.

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