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Explore Study Opportunities in New Zealand with Our Expert Study Abroad Consultancy

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Study in New Zealand

The education system in New Zealand is renowned for its several modern universities, world-class quality education, and expert faculties. The country offers a wide range of learning opportunities that include state-funded universities, colleges, polytechnics and private training centers. Institutes of Technology & Polytechnics (ITP's) in New Zealand are recognized for its programs which are “Ready to Enter the Job Markets”.

Globally Recognized Education System

New Zealand has globally recognized education standards with many universities appearing in top position in the world ranking list. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) ensures that all educational institutions are registered to enroll international students and comply with qualifications standards.

New Zealand is a safe county that offers an eco-friendly and pollution-free environment. It has a multi-cultural society with people from various ethnic backgrounds co-existing in perfect harmony. The country is also known for its welcoming and friendly attitude towards international students.

Unlike most countries, New Zealand has very liberal immigration laws, which make obtaining a student visa relatively easy. New Zealand gives you a chance to speak to a visa expert and explain your case if they don’t accept your visa, rather than sending blunt rejections like most other countries.


New Zealand is breath taking country because it’s one of the most picturesque and photogenic place on the earth. It is a small island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean consisting of just 4 million people who are also referred as KIWIs. This country offers internationally renowned education system leading to an attractive destination for international students but that is not the only thing, It also provides a perfect mix of a modern cosmopolitan society that exists in perfect harmony with the country’s unbeatable lifestyle.

Doctoral Degree
Master’s Degree
Graduate Diploma
Graduate Certificate
Bachelor Degree
Associate Degree
Advanced Diploma
Vocational Graduate Diploma
Vocational Graduate Certificate
Advanced Diploma Diploma

There are various universities in New Zealand, which offer high quality education it also encompasses colleges, private institutions and polytechnics. New Zealand is a cost effective study destination with various streams such as Business and science, Sports, Arts& Recreation, 3D Animation & Graphic design, Engineering, Culinary Arts, Communication studies, & many more though it is particularly known for Information Technology, Hospitality &Tourism and Accounting related courses.



Diploma programs: Overall band score of 5.5 with no band less than 5.0
Bachelor’s Degree: Overall band score of 6.0
Graduate Diploma: Overall band score of 6.0
Post Graduate Diploma : IELTS Score is 6.5 overall


1. A valid passport
2. An unconditional offer letter from the New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA)
which indicates the course duration and course fee.
3. A Medical Report from hospitals authorized by NZQA.
4. Academic Credentials
5. Proof of English proficiency, IELTS is a mandatory requirement
6. Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
7. Proof of availability of funds to support the payment of the course and living expense
8. Statement of Purpose (SOP)
9. Two passport-sized photographs


New Zealand offers a truly international education experience at a fraction of the cost of universities in the United States and United Kingdom. Their education system was modeled on the UK structure, meaning students can experience a similar academic quality and culture at a fraction of the cost.
There is also a healthy international community at New Zealand’s universities, as high visa allocations and a welcoming culture have drawn students from all over the world for years. Studying here will open up connections from all over the world and encourage you to mix with different cultures beyond your own and New Zealand’s.


Options to permanent residency after studying in New Zealand .You can apply for a visa to work in New Zealand for up to 3 years after you finish your study if you have an acceptable qualification. A Post-study work visa lasts for 1, 2 or 3 years depending on the level of your qualification and where you studied.
The education system of New Zealand mainly focuses on both educational attainment and practical learning. It is rated as one of the best education systems in the world by London’s Legatum Institute. The country’s education system is based on a 3-tier model which includes primary and intermediate schooling, after that secondary schooling (high schools) and the final one, is the tertiary education at universities and polytechnics. The nation is ranked as the best-funded education system in the world since they have the highest percentage of public funding in the education sector.

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